Entries from 2024-10-01 to 1 month
10/31(Thu.) Japaradiso! -Japanese Disko & City Pop Experience- at 京都METRO Open/ 22:00- Entrance/1600yen(inc.1drink ticket) HP: www.metro.ne.jpRA: https://ja.ra.co/events/2007961 DJs:Ryoma Sasaki (Transit Records Kyoto) -Japanese Music Se…
10/19(Sat.) Equalize with Stefan Goldmann (Macro, from Berlin) at Compufunk Records, Osaka Open/ 22:00- Entrance/ 2500yen (inc.1drink ticket) 学割 | Students・International Students/ 2000yen (inc.1drink ticket) show your student ID RA: htt…
10/18(Fri.) Connected Underground with Stefan Goldmann (Macro,from Berlin) at CLUB METRO, KYOTO Open/ 22:00- Entrance: 2500yen (inc.1drink ticket) 学割 | Students・International Students: 2000yen (inc.1drink ticket) HP: www.metro.ne.jp Gue…